2013年9月19日 星期四




  我真的不想嫉妒姊姊,但不行,我只是一個平凡人,都會有陰暗的一面。其實在小時候已可見到父母的偏心:姊姊五丶六歲 生日時,他們在麥當勞替她辦生日會,還不只是一次,但我兒時,半次也沒有;在埾誕節的時候,他們主動買一份聖誕禮物給她,而我要主動地問他們,他們才買給我。現在,我真的覺得父親並不喜歡我,他比較,或者應說寵愛姊姊,他會出席姊姊的家長日,而我一直以來都是只有母親出席,我相信將來也是一樣。姊姊有時晚回家、叫爸爸替她拿東西,他會馬上換衣服下樓接她、半個拒絕的眼神、說話也沒有地拿給她。


2013年9月16日 星期一







2013年8月2日 星期五


  香港,眾所周知是國際大都會,市民都有着富裕的物質生活,例如購買名牌手袋、智能手機、手錶......可是,擁有富裕的物質生活便能感到快樂? 據多項國際調查顯示,香港的快樂指數極低,甚至位居於後排,僅次於一些發展中的國家。因此,我認為即使擁有富庶的物質生活,也難以令人快樂。


  富庶的物質生活固然能夠帶來物質上及生理上的滿足 ,但它可以為精神上帶來滿足、帶來快樂嗎?要知道,物質及精神上的滿足是截然不同的: 前者帶來的滿足只是短暫;後者帶來的滿足則較長期。因為物質生活的滿足如購買的名牌手錶及手袋、智能手機、衣服......他們總會有一天因失修已久、破損、過時,甚至當我們雲遊時,他們全都不能與我們同在,一切在物質生活上的滿足全會在一段時間後消失得無影無蹤、不留任何丁點兒的碎片。短期的快樂,還能稱得上真正的快樂嗎?

  追求富裕的物質生活不但只會帶來短期的快樂,而且會帶來功利的心態和焦慮。香港人普遍愛追潮流與名牌,他們會把錢放在最新推出的智能手機、手袋、夏季服裝、運動鞋......不過,你知道他們愛追潮流與名牌的原因嗎? 當然有一部份的原因是他們真的喜歡那些東西,然而最大的原因是為了贏取別人的目光。以一個辦公室女郎為例,她會節衣縮食、日日吃沙律、上班乘撘最便宜的公共交通工具,為的就是存錢買最新推出的手袋,在其他同事前炫耀。在這個過程中,她感到的心情並不是快樂,而是焦慮,還表現出功利的心態。因為她每天都在焦慮着今天吃沙律和乘坐公共交通工具而存下來的錢夠不夠、其他同事會如何看待她,會認為她市儈,抑或是窮困、她準備買的手袋能不能獲取同事的讚嘆、吸引他們的視線等。短期的快樂,加上快樂前的焦慮和功利的心態,難道你會覺得富裕的物質生活可以使你得到真正、沒有任何雜質的快樂嗎?

  那真正、長期、沒有任何雜質的快樂是如何能夠獲得?精神上的滿足,即是真正、長期、沒有任何雜質的快樂,顧名思義它是從精神上的交流中獲到的,例如: 幫助別人及抱着積極樂觀的心態。

  幫助別人的同時能夠讓自己快樂,例如: 當你在地鐵車廂內讓座給老奶奶時,看到她那衰老的身軀坐下,你會臉上浮起一抹笑容;當你替失散的孩子找回母親時,看到他一面眼淚一面鼻涕地撲進母親的懷抱,你會心中泛起一絲安慰;當你幫母親做家務,讓她可以鬆弛一直以來因做家務而疲累的身體,你會覺得你所做的是值得的......這些種種的情景都能獲得精神上的滿足,並且是最容易、最原始、最純粹、最長時間的快樂。因為它不需要任何金錢、任何門檻,需要的只是一顆幫助人的心便可做到;從它得到的快樂並不與任何手袋、手錶、智能手機掛勾,得到的快樂只是單純地幫助了別人;從它得來的快樂你也許在那一刻轉眼就忘記,但它只是藏在你內心深處,在許多年後,你會記得,你曾經伸出你的援手。這些都是不能從物質生活中獲取;這些都是即使擁有富庶的物質生活,也不能夠體會到的。

  力克·胡哲,正是一個好例子,證明只要抱着積極樂觀的心態,也可以得到快樂。他沒有四肢、只有一個腳趾,別人以為他失去一切、人生會非常黑暗。但他們都錯了,他沒有失去一切,他反而得到一切;他的人生非常光明,他日日都快樂地分享自己的人生。他並不是大富大貴、家財萬貫、擁有富庶的物質生活,他的家景普通,與我們大多數人一樣,僅僅足夠養活自己和家人,有時會有額外的金錢玩樂。那你會問:「為什麼他仍然感到快樂?我們日日都抱怨着別人和社會,為什麼我們不能賺許多錢?」因為他有着許多人都知道、但很難做到的積極樂觀的心態,許多人都多愁善感,終日抱怨自己命苦,工薪僅僅足夠生活,沒有很多額外的金錢玩樂,認為擁有富裕的物質生活才是快樂的基礎。其實積極樂觀的心態才是快樂的基礎,擁有它後,看整個世界的感覺頓時變得不同起來: 你會覺得世界充滿希望、沒有什麼做不到、所有人和事都是美好的。積極樂觀地面對工作上的失意、學業上的困難、朋友間的不和,所有的難關和衝突都會迎刃而解,快樂隨之到來。因此抱着積極樂觀的心態生活,快樂任何時刻都在。


2013年7月28日 星期日

News Reponse 27-7-2013

Title: Dressed to thrill, cosplayers bring fantasy to life at comic expo
Date: 27th July
Source: SCMP

Feedback: This news is about the annual Ani-Com & Game Hong Kong fair. Like the past years, there are a lot of cosplayers showcasing the characters of different comics, animations or computer games this year. The majority of the cosplayers are teenagers and they love cosplay because they love the characters they are dressing and want them known to others by bringing to life. Also some of them said that cosplay can make them meet new friends and have a kind of nice and feel likeable. 

In recent years, cosplay becomes a hot topic on teenagers in Hong Kong. Many people believe that cosplayers are lazy and have academic failure, there is not many parents supporting their children to be cosplayers due to the stereotypes. 

In fact, cosplay has certain benefits to teenagers. 

First cosplay can help youngsters build up confidence. Most cosplayers are shy and introverted who always stay at home and afraid of socializing with others. However when they dress up, they are different people, they become confident and extroverted. It is because they love the characters they are cosplaying and they think they become the characters, having a new identity so they have courage to interact with others. The heart of cosplay is their source of confidence. Besides cosplay needs to face lots of people as they need to join the competition or be taken pictures by many photographers. Therefore in some ways, cosplay can help teenagers become confident because they can have a new identity which is stronger than their original identity which only stays at home all the time and afraid of interact with others as most of the characters they love are heroes who are powerful.

Cosplay can also increase the creativity of teenagers. Since the teenagers need to make the clothes and crops by themselves, they need to create wonderful clothes and crops for example, they need to think how to make the clothes are exactly the same in the animation in order to get all people's eyes or win the champion. Creativity is increasing while they are making their clothes and crops.

Social skill can also be improved through cosplay.  As the cosplayers will meet lots of other cosplayers from different districts or even countries, so they can improve their social skills as they have the same interest and they may discuss it together like the favourite comic character, the plot of animations, the process of making the clothes etc. Hence social skill is developed and social circle is enlarged.  

Nevertheless cosplay does have disadvantages to teenagers. 

Teenagers may waste a lot of money. As they need to make the clothes and crops, they need to buy lots of materials to make it, for instance, the girl spent $600 to buy the materials to make the clothes which is expensive. Cosplay requires much money and this is wasting lots of money of teenagers.

Furthermore the self-concept of teenagers may be twisted. Since most of the cosplayers identify themselves as the characters in the comics, animations or computer games, they are away from the reality and refuse to accept their real identity. As most of them may get failure in real life like academic, love and familys relationship etc, they try to escape from these by identifing themselves as the strong characters in the comics, animations or computer games. Soon they can not remember who they are actually and the self-concepts are twisted. 

Except the self-concept may be twisted, the teenagers may receive wrong values. It is because nowadays many comics, animation and computer games obtain lots of wrong concepts like violence, sex, brutality etc. Once the teenagers identify themselves as the characters in those comics, animations or computer games, they are brainwashed to be violent, brutal and have wrong concepts like sex, for example there was a news about a boy raped a woman like the main character did in the animation or in the past weeks, there was a parent killed by their son as the son thought the parent are the enemies he played in the computer game. These show that teenagers easily absorb wrong concepts through cosplay as they may identify themselves as the characters in the comics, animations or computer games which obtain violence, sex or brutality etc.

To sum up, cosplay does have benefits and drawbacks to teenagers. However this is up to the teenagers'chioces of the comics, animations and computer games and their attitudes towards cosplay. If they choose the right comics, animations or computer games, they definitely will not be able to obtain wrong concepts; If they have a right attitude towards cosplay like it is a kind of entertainment and study is more important than it right now, they will not become addicted to it and have academic failure. Therefore it is the choice for the teenagers whether let cosplay become good to them or not.

2013年7月21日 星期日

News Response 21-7-2013

Title: North Korea gets world in a panic, even without trying
Date: 18th July,2013
Source: The Times

Feedback: This is about North Korea hauled 240 tons of weapons to Cuba which caused an international uproar. Cuba's foreign ministry has dismissed international concerns and said those 240 tons of weapons are defensive which require repair. However there are 10000 tons of brown sugar used to cover the illicit consignment of weapons, the saying of Cuba's foreign ministry is doubted. This is not the first time that North Korea put the world in a panic, North Korea has helped countries like Iran and Pakistan develop a nuclear capability and fired missiles over South Korea and Japan. Many experts believe that North Korea puts the world into chaos in an attempt to obtain benefits and strengthen her international status. Andrei Lankov who is a professor of Korean studies at Seoul's Kookmin University points out that the major concerns of North Korea are her own political and physical survival. As in 1994, there were re-start talks between US and North Korea when North Korea threatened to withdraw from nuclear non-proliferation agreement and engulf Seoul. During the talks, US promised offering the regime half a million tons of oil, two free proliferation-resistant nuclear reactors and large-scale shipments of food aid. Therefore he believes that North Korea will be weakened if she is crippled by sanctions and hindered by dysfunctional economy, and if she does not threaten the world, the world will have more peace.

  Mysterious, selfish, aggressive, obsolete, these are the adjectives I think of instantaneously when I heard of North Korea. North Korea still does not open her country and keeps on her totalitarian rule which is so mysterious and obsolete as her development is so slow that there is no tall and modern buildings, people wear simple and old-fashioned clothes, old cars etc. There are many times the world is jittery because of North Korea's testing of nuclear missiles and other incidents like this news mentioned, these show North Korea is so selfish and aggressive that she only considers herself. In my opinion, I think North Korea can not put the world in a panic again because other countries may not be able to bear her again and relative to the developments of other countries, North Korea has no possibility to win in the war if North Korea wants to declare a war to other countries. It is because North Korea has slow development and relies on the food aid and there is no quick economic development to support her nuclear weapons projects, all these are her weaknesses and will hinder her much when she comes to war. Actually I really do not understand why North Korea still keeps her totalitarian rule even she gets so many weaknesses. I think she should act like China in the 1980s, opening her market and modernize the country, maybe North Korea can be the second China. Of course North Korea needs to give up her totalitarian rule and thought of putting the world into chaos then she can develop her country by doing trade with other countries, strengthening her country and the world can have peace.  

2013年7月19日 星期五




  如果時間能停留,我會選擇將它停留在貧富懸殊嚴重的時候。由於政府未能推出有效解決和協助貧困問題的政策,導致富裕的人越來越富裕,貧窮的人越來越貧窮,貧富懸殊的情況越趨嚴重。據日前的研究指出,香港的堅尼係數達0.537,是亞洲第二個貧富懸殊嚴重的地區。堅尼係數是由1至0,0代表每個居民收入平均,每個居民的收入都是類似的,而越接近1則代表每個居民收入不平均,一個居民的收入可能高達於五個居民的收入。有見及此,我希望時間停留在貧富懸殊嚴重的時候,政府可趁機推行多項扶貧政策,如:資助貧窮家庭醫療開支和學費、為貧窮者提供職業培訓以獲取就業機會、 增加工作機會讓貧窮人士投身職場以賺取收入、加重富豪的稅收以減慢富者越富的速度......然後在時間繼續流逝時,貧困的人能變得富有起來,能夠與富裕的人並排一列,貧富懸殊的問題能夠得以解決。










2013年7月18日 星期四

News Response 18-7-2013

Title: Senior Pakistani Taliban leader 'shocked' by Malala attack
Date: 18th July, 2013
Source: BBC news

Feedback: This is about a letter written by the leader of  Taliban, a terrorist organization, expressing his shock to Malala attack. Adnan Rasheed who is the Pakistani Taliban leader has sent a letter to Malala Yousafzai, and in his letter, he stops short of apologizing but says he hoped the attack 'had never happened'. He also said he felt 'brotherly' emotions towards Malala as they belong to the same tribe but he rejects to condemn the attack, saying the judgement on whether it is right or not should be left to God. Besides, he claims Malala was attacked because she campaigned to 'malign efforts to establish the Islamic system but not because his group is against education of any men or women or girls. At the end of his letter, he asked Malala to come back and adopt Islamic and Pashtun culture, join any female Islamic school in order to use her pen to reveal the conspiracy of the elite who want to enslave the whole of humanity.

  After I read this news, my heart is full of anger. It is because I think it is so ironic that the leader of Taliban saying he is shocked by Malala attack which the attack was caused by his group. And it is unacceptable that the judgement on whether the attack is correct or not should be left to God, because it is obviously wrong that an organization which is equipped with arms shot a bare-handed girl who only fights for the right of women on education. We all know that Taliban is against the rights of women as there are many news about the women were executed by shooting of the Taliban members or raped by them, for instance in 1999, a woman was executed by shooting of a Taliban member publicly in Kashmir. Therefore it is so weird that the leader of Taliban saying his group is not against education of any men or women or girls. 
  Now is 21st century already, I think Pakistan should progress quickly, she should realize the statuses of women and men are the same and the rights of women should not be suppressed as they maybe talented so as to help the whole country to have a fast development and be as strong as other Western or Asian countries. I really can not understand why women must be suppressed or controlled by men, why women must not be respected. Is it because women are physically weaker then men? But there are some women who are as strong as men like female weight lifters. Is it because women are not as brilliant as men? However there are lots of women who are as smart as or even smarter than men like Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. With lots of historical facts, they all prove that women are talented and even more capable than men so why there are countries suppressing the women, especially in Asia? I really hope one day the rights of women can be respected and they can enjoy the same rights of men have as women and men are the same, both of them are humans and live in the same planet, Earth, all people belong to the same family.

2013年7月17日 星期三

News Response 17-7-2013

Title: Inspiring lesson in true life
Date: 17th July, 2013
Source: The Standard

Feedback: This news is mainly about the special need students who got marvelous results in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. Although one of those students, Tsang Tsz-kwan is handicapped by vision, hearing disabilities, lost of sensitivity of her fingers, she scored excellent results, getting level 5**s in Chinese, English and liberal studies and level 5*s in both Chinese and English literature. The reason why she scored excellent results of course is her efforts and determination to overcome her obstacles but also the teaching from her parents about the importance of appreciating the meaning of life which makes her become optimistic towards life. 
  This is really heartening and touching. It is unbelievable that a student who can only use lips to do the exam papers and has hearing disabilities when she is doing group discussion , getting remarkable results in the HKDSE. This once again proves that nothing is impossible and lets me have a determination that I can do as best as she did, my target is getting as much level 5**s as I can. Everything in the world is possible if you try your best and do not afraid of the adversity. Be valiant and wise so you can cope with the difficulties. Do not evade facing the problems as this is a chance of improving yourself. Have a clear goal as this can provide a plain pathway to success and you will not be at sea. Remember life is full of happiness and challenges so we must become optimistic towards our life and have determination to cope with the challenges which will make you have a great satisfaction if you overcome the challenges. Put your faith in the future. Nothing is impossible.